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Our Naturopath’s Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bowl Recipe

Try out this yummy quick easy recipe from our naturopath Evie. If you make it,  take a pic and share with us #facefiteats. Disclaimer – the following recipe contains coriander! For those of you who can’t eat coriander because it taste like soap please feel free to remove it.


Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bowl

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bowl made by Face Fit naturopath, Evie

Great for: Lunch/dinner/meal prep
Servings: 2
Time: 30mins (can be 10-20 mins if using pre-cooked packet rice)



  •  2 organic chicken breast or 400gm stir fry cut
  • Marinade: ½ tsp of freshly minced ginger and garlic, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tbsp of tamari/soy sauce, 2 tsp of toasted sesame seeds.
  • 2 cups of cooked basmati or brown/black rice or quinoa
  • ¼ bunch coriander
  • 1 lebanese cucumber
  • 1 avocado (shepard’s avocado doesn’t go brown as easily as hass avocados).
  • 1 tbsp of toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp of pickled sushi ginger
  • Gevity bone broth chipotle sauce (from health food stores)



  1. Cook rice in a rice cooker or quinoa in a pot of water on the stove.
  2. Slice/dice chicken breast into strips/small cubes and toss in chicken marinade in a bowl.
  3. Pan fry marinated chicken in a hot pan until cooked through.
  4. Serve – layer of rice in a bowl, then place ½ avocado sliced in one section of the bowl, then ½ sliced cucumber next to the avocado then place chicken in bowl, sushi ginger and top with sesame seeds and coriander.
  5. Optional – drizzle chipotle bone broth sauce (can mix with some water/lemon juice to make it runny) and drizzle over the whole sushi bowl.
  6. Tip – the chipotle sauce, toasted sesame and sushi ginger really make this meal super tasty – so best to not leave them out!



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