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5 Tips on How to Glow From The Inside Out This Festive Season

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We asked Ashleigh, our clinic manager and one of our dermal therapists, to share her tips to assist with our inner wellness as we embrace the festivities during this social of seasons.

Here are 5 tips on  how you can glow from the inside out this festive season!

Woman relaxing in a wellness pool

1. Try to stay in the present moment

It is important to be present during the festive season and avoid falling into the cycle of constantly thinking about the future/what you need to do tomorrow/in a week etc. The festive season finishes before you know it, so try to be present and enjoy the time with your friends and family to create special memories. You deserve to switch off!


2. Take regular breaks when you need them

Taking regular breaks during the festive season is important to help calm your mind and body. It can be a very busy time which can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Take regular breaks during the day and share the load with people around you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!


3. Listen to your body and needs

Listening to your body is super important during this time, as this helps to reduce fatigue and stress. Just because someone else can do 50 things at the same time, does not mean that you need to as well! You know what you need, you just need to do what feels right for you, take your time and go at your own pace!


4. Ensure you are looking after yourself

It’s important to provide your mind and body with the nutrients it needs to function properly, this helps reduce stress and fatigue. Ensure you are eating regular balanced meals each day, even when busy, as our body’s demands for most nutrients increases with our energy expenditure. Fuel that body of yours and also stay hydrated!


5. Show yourself some love

The festive period can be a triggering or difficult time to those that feel anxious or guilty about food. Be gentle with yourself, it is ok to enjoy all your favorite food and drinks during the festive season – eat all the Christmas pudding you like! Life is short at the end of the day, and part of having a healthy sustainable diet is enjoying the foods you love! This encourages a healthy relationship with food long term.

We wish you all a very Merry Christamas and Happy New Year from the team at Face Fit!

We shall see you all in the New Year! xx


Looking to enhance that Festive Glow?

details about the offer Get Party Ready with the Festive Glow-Up!.IT’S TIME TO GET PARTY READY! Book the Festive Glow-Up this Social Season and enjoy the ultimate pre-festive freshen up!

Look and feel your absolute best this festive season and treat yourself (and your skin) to the Festive Glow-Up. The package includes Anti Wrinkle Treatment for your frown and your forehead and a divine Enzyme Skin Smoothing Facial to nourish and refine your skin.

Festive Glow-Up – Find out More / Book



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