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Naturopath Evie's after acne results

Acne Awareness Month – Evie’s Acne Story

As part of Acne Awareness Month, Evie, Face Fit’s beautiful Naturopath shares her own experiences with Acne. It is our hope that if you have had similar experiences or you are starting on this journey with your teenage kids that this insight will give you confidence in our team, knowing that they have been where you might be and our passion for treating problem skin runs deep. Read Evie’s acne story.

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Ashleigh now acne free and loving it!

Acne Awareness Month – Ashleigh’s Acne Story

As part of Acne Awareness Month, Ashleigh, Face Fit’s amazing Clinic Manager shares her own experiences with Acne. It is our hope that if you have had similar experiences or you are starting on this journey with your teenage kids that this insight will give you confidence in our team, knowing that they have been where you might be and our passion for treating problem skin runs deep. Read Ashleigh’s acne story.

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Gut Loving Coconut Yogurt -, recipe by Evie Face Fit

Naturopath’s Gut Loving Coconut Yogurt Recipe

Try out this yummy quick easy yoghurt recipe from our naturopath Evie. The probiotic coconut yoghurt has beneficial strains of bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species which have been shown to help maintain a healthy gut microbiome and gut function. It only takes five minutes!

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Face Fit Clinic Manager and Dermal Therapist, Ashleigh on her road to recovery following her Endometriosis surgery

My Path to an Endometriosis Diagnosis

In part one of this blog series, Face Fit Clinic Manager & Dermail Therapist, Ashleigh shares her journey to receiving an endometriosis diagnosis and her decision to freeze her eggs. With March being Endometriosis Awareness Month, it also happened to align with Ashleigh’s own personal timelines. Read Ash’s story. And thank you for sharing this very personal journey with us Ash.

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Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bowl made by Face Fit naturopath, Evie

Our Naturopath’s Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Bowl Recipe

Try out this yummy quick easy recipe from our naturopath Evie. If you make it,  take a pic and share with us #facefiteats. Disclaimer – the following recipe contains coriander! For those of you who can’t eat coriander because it taste like soap please feel free to remove it. See recipe.

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Woman holding stomach caused by endometriosis cramps

Understanding Endometriosis – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments

Endometriosis is something close to our hearts at Face Fit, with a third of our staff having been diagnosed. With March being Endometriosis Awareness month, we share what endometriosis is, what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed and treated, and how naturopathy can support Naturopathy supports alongside Medical Management.

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Bowl of yogurt with kiw fruit, lemon, figs, cherries, blueberries, melon and mint

Eat your way to healthy skin – the nutrients you can’t glow without!

Many nutrients are needed for good skin health, yet did you know that our skin is one of the last organs’ to receive the nutrients we consume! Think of nutrients as the building blocks to your skin cells. If we do not meet our nutritional requirements either through our diet or supplementation, we may not have adequate amounts of nutrients required for skin cell production and regeneration. Therefore, supporting your skin nutritionally is very important to achieving optimal skin health and healing.

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closeup of the Festive Pomegranate Salad

Festive Pomegranate Salad Recipe

The Festive Season is one of our favorite times of the year! Here is one of our Naturopath Evie’s favorite festive salad recipes, full of fibre and antioxidants to support both your gut microbiome and also your skin during the festive season – but of course it’s delicious too which is just as important!

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